Sunday, August 28, 2011

STILL in Sheet Harbour...but with more friends!

A big welcome to our Couchsailors, Fadi Asfour & Lucia Terra formerly from Vancouver, now homeless! You are viewing photographic evidence of the kindness of strangers in Nova Scotia. A small fishing skiff pulled up alongside and deposited four huge lobsters onto the deck for Jim & Fadi to deal with, and deal they did! By the time Lucia & I got back from gathering provisions, a fantastic meal was served. I just couldn't believe it!
We are currently awaiting Tropical Storm Irene to pass and for any big seas to  die down before we head out to our next stop, possibly Lunenberg.
By the way, Fadi showed me how to put a "location" icon at the bottom of each post...howdya like that?

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Departing Prince Edward County

Bury the garden, check. Visit friends and kids, check, (too short a visit, there). Stuff everything into the Accent, check. Visit library to send off the departing note: we're off to Nova Scotia today to pick up Pilger and get outta here! But not before we party with Jim's family, it's his parents' 50th wedding anniversary. Happy anniversary Don & Elsie!